divendres, 26 de febrer del 2010


I will speak about the Carnival. Every year in February we celebrate the Carnival. This year, on 13 of February we went to Sant Pere Pescador, and the last Saturday in Castelló. Three weeks before the Carnival, my friends and I, did a coach. We dressed as "zorro" and I liked this costume. It was a black suit with a belt, a cape, a hat, amask and one sword. In my town was funny and good.

In Sant Pere, at five o'clock we did the "passada" inside the town with the coach, and we had got two cd's for hear music. But the loudspeakers were small and didn't hear very well. Later, for had dinner we went to Adelaida's house and we ate pizzes. And at eleven we did another time the "passada", and when finished we went to dance until half past five. The music was good, and the environment too.
In Castello was similar, but we didn't do the "passada". This time, we had diner in Bea's house, and later we went to see the coaches, and then we went to the new pavillon for dance. But first the music I didn't like me, but later changed the group and I liked. At half past four we left in Bea's house for sleeping.

Every year I celebrate the Carnival, because I think that is a fantastic day. But this year was cold, and the costume didn't to wrap up.

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