dilluns, 17 de maig del 2010

Film review

Today I'm going to do a critic of the film: "Un sueño para ella".

The main characters of the film are Daphne, Henry, Libby and Ian.

The film is about Daphne who has got everything that she want, but she dreams about find her father, because she don't know him. She decided to go in London where she discover that her father Henry is an important man in there. Also she knows Ian, and they fall in love. When Daphne go to live with Henry, she want to change her father, and with go with him in a parties, fashion events and social events. But with her father she can't be herself, and she doesn't like live in there.

I like this film because it's fanny and isn't boring. Also I like the characters, because the girl is about seventeen or eighteen and it's more modern. I have seen "Un sueño para ella" two or three times, because I like so much.

I recomend this film for people between thirteen and twenty years.

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