dilluns, 17 de maig del 2010

Self evaluation

When I was doing my oral presentation:
I spoke about differents problems in Salt. We used a powerpoint. Approximately my part during five minutes. I try to looked my companions and my teacher. I tried didn't look my notes. I moved my hands almost all the oral presentation because I was nervous. We organized all the information in differents parts, in this order: immigration, robs, racism, drguds and problems of coexistence. We used words like: first, then, now, after. I think that all of my companions know something about Salt, but I am secure that they now know more things. We searched information in the internet in different pages. I think that my grammar was good, but with some mistakes. My vocabulary wasn't much rich and varied. I used some sentence linker like: and, also. But I dind't use pause fillers. I found all my words for know the pronunce, but maybe some of they I pronunce bad. I check some words in a dictionary. I think that I used a monotone tone all the time. I think that I spoke very fluid, because I studied my text. I believe that I got a mark of six.

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