divendres, 21 de maig del 2010


New case of racist aggression

A Portuguese national of Guinean origin was beaten up by two young men on April 8 in the small town of Catellar del Vallès, near Sabadell. The victim, 44, was walking in a public square when the two men began insulting him. He walked on and paid no attention to the attackers, who then jumped on him and began kicking him while he lay on the ground. Some residents witnessed the attack and phoned the police, who came within minutes and arrested the two men. The victim was taken to Sabadell hospital and he is due for release soon despite his injuries. The attackers are both members of a neo-Nazi group that is very active in the area, and which organised an attack on a rock band performing in Castellar three years ago. One of the assailants, Abraham Fernandez, 22, has been arrested 14 times before.


-This news is about a aggression near Sabadell. The victim was attacked in a public square and some people could see it and phone the police. The two attackers are a members of a neo-Nazi group, and one of two has been arrested 14 times before.

-Affects me because Sabadell is not far of my town, and the police don't catch the two attackers, and in my opinion they should be in the prison.

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