divendres, 28 de maig del 2010


Today, I am going to talk about the summer.

In two weeks we are going to finish the school.

I hope that I don’t fail any subject, because if I fail one subject I will have to study in the summer, and I don’t want it.

In this summer I will have to help my mother in the butcher’s and for this reason I will work some hours in the morning and some hours more in the afternoon, but Sunday not.

And I get money for work, but if I hadn’t need the money, I woudn’t work this year.

Also, every Wednesday, during two hours, I will go to have English lessons.

And every day I will try to go in the beach or in the swimming pool, and meet with my friends.

In addiction, this summer I have to start to do “el treball de recerca”.But I don’t want it, because the summer isn’t for do things of school.

I look forward that the summer arrive, I want to do holidays, and I hope that this summer will be perfect.

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