dimecres, 19 de maig del 2010


Today I’m going to talk about the university. Two months ago I with my course went to the university in Barcelona, and the next week to univeristy in Girona. In there everyone went to a different class for hearing talks about what we can study in the University.

I don’t know in which University I do my studies. I like the two cities.
Barcelona’s University is good, but the building is ugly, and in some parts of the Girona’s University is more beautiful. Also depends about my notes. But in Barcelona I have family and this is one advantage because I have one house, and this is very important, instead in Girona I will have to rent one flat.

I am secure that I want to study “Administració i direcció d’empreses (ADE)” or anything relacionated about economy, because I like it. And for this reason in the univerities I went to hearing a discussion about ADE and everyday I like more, because I think that is interesting and the topics for the future are importants. Also, I think that this studies have got different departures, and I can work for example in a bank or in a company. Also I went to hearing a discussion about tourism but I don’t like, and I am secure that I won’t to study it.

Now, I have one year approximately for decided in which University I will go for study.

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