dijous, 3 de juny del 2010

Final evaluation of 1st batxillerat

I am writing for explain about my evaluation of English.
During this year we have been doing a blog for upload different writings.

Some of them speak about any topic that we want, and others about topics that everyone have to upload like a news or film review...

I can see a difference with the writings that I did in the first term and my last writings.

Also, I think that now I know more vocabulary than the begginning of the course.

But when I am doing a writing about one topic that I like or I am interesting, they are better.

For this reason my best activity that I have done during this year is the one on Anahi Giovanna. I choose this your-say because how I said before, this composing is one topic that I love and it doesn't matter if I am writing lot of hours.

In my opinion the listenings and films are very important. The listenings because you can hear the pronuntation and try to understand everything. And the films because you can see one that you like and listen the pronuntation, but also you put subtitles in english and it's more easy for undestand the film. But others things like do grammar or play, or anything that you do it's useful to learn english. For this reason I think that there isn't any activity for cannot learn english.

For the next year I would like to do again the blog, because it's interesting and useful, and you can explain things that you like, or things that you have done.. and the next year I will be more topics for uploud in my blog.

diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010


Today I am going to talk about my favourite group of music is RBD
RBD was beggining in 2004 with a programme tv "rebelde".
The group is compound for six members, three girls and three boys:
Anahi, Dulce, Maite, Alfonso, Christian and Christopher.
In 2004 they did the first concert.
I went to the concert in 2008 in Barcelona, with my two friends Bea and Marc.
It was a perfect day, it was incredible. But one of the six members, cannot come because she
was doing a programme tv. I knew when I was doing the line, and in this moment I was
feeling bad, because I look forward this day for see the six members, not five.
And on December in 2008, they did the last concert in Madrid, but I can't go because
my parents don't permit go there.


Opinion Essay

We have almost learnt to respect our world.

I disagree with the idea that we have almost learnt to respect our world. In my opinion, we do not do enough to respect our world.

I think, that we can do more for our world. We can recycle, between other things. Although there are people who recycle, but other people who do not.

Also, in the floor streets there are papers, bottles, dirt..

In my opinion, pollution is an important problem, and one solution is that we can use the bike when we go to one near site, and use the car less because it’s better for our world.

In addition the biggest problem, are the industries. The laws aren’t strong enough for the industries because these have power to influence about the government.

In conclusion, I would say that we have to do more to respect and look after our world.

divendres, 28 de maig del 2010


Today, I am going to talk about the summer.

In two weeks we are going to finish the school.

I hope that I don’t fail any subject, because if I fail one subject I will have to study in the summer, and I don’t want it.

In this summer I will have to help my mother in the butcher’s and for this reason I will work some hours in the morning and some hours more in the afternoon, but Sunday not.

And I get money for work, but if I hadn’t need the money, I woudn’t work this year.

Also, every Wednesday, during two hours, I will go to have English lessons.

And every day I will try to go in the beach or in the swimming pool, and meet with my friends.

In addiction, this summer I have to start to do “el treball de recerca”.But I don’t want it, because the summer isn’t for do things of school.

I look forward that the summer arrive, I want to do holidays, and I hope that this summer will be perfect.

divendres, 21 de maig del 2010


New case of racist aggression

A Portuguese national of Guinean origin was beaten up by two young men on April 8 in the small town of Catellar del Vallès, near Sabadell. The victim, 44, was walking in a public square when the two men began insulting him. He walked on and paid no attention to the attackers, who then jumped on him and began kicking him while he lay on the ground. Some residents witnessed the attack and phoned the police, who came within minutes and arrested the two men. The victim was taken to Sabadell hospital and he is due for release soon despite his injuries. The attackers are both members of a neo-Nazi group that is very active in the area, and which organised an attack on a rock band performing in Castellar three years ago. One of the assailants, Abraham Fernandez, 22, has been arrested 14 times before.


-This news is about a aggression near Sabadell. The victim was attacked in a public square and some people could see it and phone the police. The two attackers are a members of a neo-Nazi group, and one of two has been arrested 14 times before.

-Affects me because Sabadell is not far of my town, and the police don't catch the two attackers, and in my opinion they should be in the prison.


New guest at Barcelona zoo

The gorilla Awali is the latest newcomer to arrive in the Barcelona zoo. The animal will be living in the same cage that Snowflake, the deceased albino gorilla, used to occupy. Snowflake became a symbol of the city and was the most visited animal in the zoo until he died one year ago. The arrival of a new gorilla at the zoo, even if it is not an albino, has created great expectations. A spokesperson has said that he thinks that there will be a significant increase in the number of visits to the zoo. 13 years old, 200 kilo Alawi has come from Paignton zoo, in Britain, within the framework of an European exchange program involving several zoos. The main aim of Alawi's stay in Barcelona is reproductive. Hi is living with four female gorillas, the same ones that shared the installations with Snowflake. European zoos encourage the reproduction of animals in captivity so that there is no need to hunt those who are still living in freedom.
In addiction, the zoo has launched a camapign entitled "Lets's save rhinos" which aims to help prevent the animals from becoming extinct.


-This news is about the new gorilla, Awali, at Barcelona zoo. He use the same cage and he is with the same gorillas in the cage of Snowflake. A spokespersone think that the arrival of this gorilla, maybe there will be more people who visit the zoo.

-Don't affects me because is in Barcelona, but everyone know Snorflake because he was a famous gorilla in Barcelona zoo. And if with Awali there will be more people who visit the zoo, it is good.

dijous, 20 de maig del 2010

Informal letter

C/ Onze de Setembre, nº 62

Sant Pere Pescador – Girona

26 March 2010.

Dear Kieron,

If you want to know about places and activities about my country for your holidays, I am going to explain about this. I recommend the places to visit and the activities which you can do.

The capital of Spain (my country) is “Madrid” but I think that if you come here the city that you have to visit is “Barcelona”.

I like Barcelona because it’s a big and beautiful city, but it’s noisy.

There are people with different personality, I mean that the majority people are friendly, but you can find a person who is rude.

You can do some differents things, for example, in this city there are a lot of shops, there are cinemas, you can skate, you can go to the Barça stadium, there are commercial centers for buy, there is a beautiful square, there is a zoo, there is a beautiful beach where you can go in summer, there are bars and restaurants.. And if you like the parks of adventurous you go to “Tibidabo”.

If you go to Barcelona you must to visit “la sagrada familia”, “el parc Güell”, “la casa batllo” and “el monument de Cristobal Colon”.

Finally, you have to go in the harbour, because is one of the most important in Spain.

The weather in this city in winter it’s cold but not very, and in summer it’s hot. If you come here in winter you’ll need a coat, and if you come here in summer you’ll need a little clothing, and swimsuit.

See you soon.

Anna xx

dimecres, 19 de maig del 2010


Today I’m going to talk about the university. Two months ago I with my course went to the university in Barcelona, and the next week to univeristy in Girona. In there everyone went to a different class for hearing talks about what we can study in the University.

I don’t know in which University I do my studies. I like the two cities.
Barcelona’s University is good, but the building is ugly, and in some parts of the Girona’s University is more beautiful. Also depends about my notes. But in Barcelona I have family and this is one advantage because I have one house, and this is very important, instead in Girona I will have to rent one flat.

I am secure that I want to study “Administració i direcció d’empreses (ADE)” or anything relacionated about economy, because I like it. And for this reason in the univerities I went to hearing a discussion about ADE and everyday I like more, because I think that is interesting and the topics for the future are importants. Also, I think that this studies have got different departures, and I can work for example in a bank or in a company. Also I went to hearing a discussion about tourism but I don’t like, and I am secure that I won’t to study it.

Now, I have one year approximately for decided in which University I will go for study.

dilluns, 17 de maig del 2010

Film review

Today I'm going to do a critic of the film: "Un sueño para ella".

The main characters of the film are Daphne, Henry, Libby and Ian.

The film is about Daphne who has got everything that she want, but she dreams about find her father, because she don't know him. She decided to go in London where she discover that her father Henry is an important man in there. Also she knows Ian, and they fall in love. When Daphne go to live with Henry, she want to change her father, and with go with him in a parties, fashion events and social events. But with her father she can't be herself, and she doesn't like live in there.

I like this film because it's fanny and isn't boring. Also I like the characters, because the girl is about seventeen or eighteen and it's more modern. I have seen "Un sueño para ella" two or three times, because I like so much.

I recomend this film for people between thirteen and twenty years.

Self evaluation

When I was doing my oral presentation:
I spoke about differents problems in Salt. We used a powerpoint. Approximately my part during five minutes. I try to looked my companions and my teacher. I tried didn't look my notes. I moved my hands almost all the oral presentation because I was nervous. We organized all the information in differents parts, in this order: immigration, robs, racism, drguds and problems of coexistence. We used words like: first, then, now, after. I think that all of my companions know something about Salt, but I am secure that they now know more things. We searched information in the internet in different pages. I think that my grammar was good, but with some mistakes. My vocabulary wasn't much rich and varied. I used some sentence linker like: and, also. But I dind't use pause fillers. I found all my words for know the pronunce, but maybe some of they I pronunce bad. I check some words in a dictionary. I think that I used a monotone tone all the time. I think that I spoke very fluid, because I studied my text. I believe that I got a mark of six.

My oral presentation

-Now I am going to talk about the immigration, the racism and the drugs.

· Immigration is the introduction of new people into a habitat or population.

The immigration have got negatives and positives ascpects. I think that the immigration could show most positives factors that negatives. For this reason I think that the immigration is not a problem, but is a challenge.

The problem appear when the results of the phenomenon is concentreted in a particular social or geographic group. And this is the problem in Salt.

In 2000, the immigration was around 10%, in 2004 was around 25%, and today is more 35%. And they think that in the next years of the economic growth Salt will be more immigrant population than native.

Now, we don’t help integrate two or three neighbors who just arribed in the building, now, in the most of buildings they are the majority.

But the famous “integration” every day is more difficult, because every day there are much people for integrate and less people who want to help integrate those people that come here.

Racism: Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

The immigrants in Salt, complain because when they pass in the streets, they are besieged. They say: “the police arrest us and they usually hit us, often times in the same night but they don’t remeber that we have registred a half an hour ago. They treat like criminals and the spanish boys they don’t look. We are tired that they use insult us. We have the same laws like the spanish people, we pay our taxes and we work and to quote here.”

· Drugs: is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.

The most of the students don’t finish their studies, and they dedicated to sell drugs for the Salt streets, and some of them also consum. This is the only solution that they find for have money, because they haven’t got studies for get a good job.

For example, in some streets there are moroccan teenagers that they are smoking “hachis” in a door of a chinese restaurant. Most of them were born in Catalonia. They don’t studying or working. They play in a billiards, speak about cars or speak about have a wallet full of money..

diumenge, 11 d’abril del 2010


Today I’m going to talk about the snowfall.

It was 8th of March, and like a normal day, I went to school. We did only three hours, because when we were on playground began to snow.

First snow not very, but later more and more. After, we had to left the school, and our parents have to come.

Passed the time and snow more and more, until that the light left. My parents, my brother, and I, we had to had lunch in a restaurant that they had got prepared food, because we didn’t have light and water.

The next day we didn’t have school, because there were much roads cut. And Wednesday, we have to go in school. In fact, in my class were few people.

It was my first time that I saw so much snow. All streets were whites, full of snow.

In the afternoon on Tuesday, I met with my friends for took photos and saw the town and play with the snow. My brother and I, we did a snowman.

I never forgot those days.

dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010

Natillas recipe

Hello friends!
Today I felt a bit hungry and I went to the kitchen and I started making my favourite dessert.
It's a traditional catalan dessert called "Natilles".
It is very easy to make!
Here you can see the recipe of this dessert.
I hope you try it one day!

-8 egg yolks
-1 litre milk
-200 gr. sugar
-1 dessert spoon cornflour
-1 stick of cinammon
-Powdered cinammon

1. Put the milk in a saucepan with the cinammon stick and heat. Save a small glass of cold milk.
2.Beat the egg yolks with the sugar. Dissolve the cornflour in the cold milk, stir well and then add to the eggs and sugar.
3.When the milk is starting to boil, remove the cinammon stick and add the mixture of flour, milk, eggs and sugar. Stir well over the heat until the custard thickens. Don't boil.
4.Put the natillas into individual bowls or dessert glasses. Sprinkle with a little cinammon powder.

My Easter holidays

Hello! This is my first composition of this third term.

I will talk about my Easter holidays.

I finished my school lessons on Friday 26th, and the next day I had my cousin's birthday party. We went to a restaurant and after that we went to a disco.

During the week, I helped my mother in the shop.

On Wednesday I went to Barcelona with my parents because some relatives of mine were celebrating their 25th Wedding aniversary.

Every day I used to meet Adelaida and Sonia and together we used to go and play with the play station, or went to Ruky's bar to play table fotball. Some times we went for a walk around the town.

On Sunday, my family and I went to my auntie's house. We had lunch and we ate the Chocolate Mona (a cataln tradition). I didn't get one because my mother thinks I'm too old for that. Instead I got a T-shirt from my Godparents. It was a lovely day!!

divendres, 5 de març del 2010

dimarts, 2 de març del 2010


The scientists are persons who want to experiments for discover new projects. Since they exists, they experiment with parts of death persons, with machine.

On the one hand, with the experiments of the scientists, maybe can find a solution for some illnesses. Also, the experiments are to find out news projects and to create humans with parts of dead bodies like Frankestein's book. Some day the scientist could create a machine for travelled in the past. They could do much projects for a good cause.

On the other hand, the scientists never know the consequences of the nwes experiments and maybe some times they can make something wrong. Frankestein didn't want to create a monster but he need a big parts for do the project that he want.

In conclusion, I think that it's good to make different experiments for the future because one day the scientist could find out one experiment for save persons of ilnesses.

diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010

Port Aventura

Hi! Today I'm going to talk about Port Aventura.
Port Aventura is a park where situated between Vilaseca and Salou.
I speak about this park because I think that is a place where you must to go at least one time.

The park is big and it is divided with five parts: "Xina, Polynesia, Mexic, Mediterrània and far-west". In each part there are many attractions. Also, there are many restaurants and shops.
Also do some shows in the morning and in the afternoon, in differents hours.

My favourite attraction is Furius Baco, the new attraction, and Tutuki Splash that is a attraction of water, and if you want you can dress with a "xuvasquero". And my favourite show (althought that I haven't seen all the shows) is one about animals.

But, when you want to get into one attraction, usually you must waiting ten minutes, or half an hour, or maybe if there are much people, one hour.

There is a small park next to Port Aventura. Only there are attractions of water. (you can go there only when it's warm). I've never been there.

I think that Port Aventura is for all the ages, but when you are more than five years approximatly.

I've been there seven or eight times, because especially my brother and I, we like so much.
And one or two times, I think that we had bad weather, and it's a disaster when it rain there.

Here I put one photo of one attraction, Tutuki Splash.

"Sonrisas y lagrimas"

Today I’m going to do a critic of the film: "sonrisas y lágrimas".

Is a movie that was released since much years ago.

The main characters of the film are Maria, captain Von Trapp, and the seven childrens.

The film is about one family that they are seven childrens and their parent, but their mother was died. The father, captain Von Trapp, to contract Maria, who look after their childrens. Passed the days and Maria does funny things for the childrens like go to the river by boat, and she return the music in the house. Later Maria realizes that captain Von Trapp loves her, and she left the house for goes with the nuns, her place before goes to that house. But the childrens want to Maria, and they go to search. Finally Maria and the captain Von Trapp marry, However, the Nazis had seized power in Austria, so that the family should flee.

I like this film because the gender is musical, and I like so much when in the films singing and dancing.

I recomend this film, I think that is for all the ages.

I have seen "Sonrisas y lágrimas" three or four times, because is a perfect film, and I like so much.

divendres, 26 de febrer del 2010

Formal letter

Onze de Setembre, 62

17470 - Sant Pere Pescador

C/ Rentador, 6

17486 - Castelló d’empúries

Dear Lluïsa Pintó,

My name is Anna Vilà, and I am a student of 1st Bachillerat B. I’m writing to tell you what I think about the new school calendar.

On the one hand I agree that the next year we have to go back in the school one week ago, and we will have a week of holidays on February. For example my parents can not do holidays in summer and this week my family and I we can travel together.

But I do not agree with we have to go back in the school on 7 of Jenuary,because is the last day of the week and is the day before kings. This year, it was a disaster day, because the school transport did not pass for bring the children in the school, the heating did not work, and missing much students.

I would like you answer this letter with your opinion.

Yours sincerely,

Anna Vilà.


I will speak about the Carnival. Every year in February we celebrate the Carnival. This year, on 13 of February we went to Sant Pere Pescador, and the last Saturday in Castelló. Three weeks before the Carnival, my friends and I, did a coach. We dressed as "zorro" and I liked this costume. It was a black suit with a belt, a cape, a hat, amask and one sword. In my town was funny and good.

In Sant Pere, at five o'clock we did the "passada" inside the town with the coach, and we had got two cd's for hear music. But the loudspeakers were small and didn't hear very well. Later, for had dinner we went to Adelaida's house and we ate pizzes. And at eleven we did another time the "passada", and when finished we went to dance until half past five. The music was good, and the environment too.
In Castello was similar, but we didn't do the "passada". This time, we had diner in Bea's house, and later we went to see the coaches, and then we went to the new pavillon for dance. But first the music I didn't like me, but later changed the group and I liked. At half past four we left in Bea's house for sleeping.

Every year I celebrate the Carnival, because I think that is a fantastic day. But this year was cold, and the costume didn't to wrap up.